Mandwi in coordination with the Government of Nepal, technical and financial assistance of UNDP under enhancing access to justice through institutional reform (A2J) project organized a basic mediation training at community level. The main objective of the training was to increase the number of certified mediators at the ward level which will enhance the capacity of Judicial Committee to resolve disputes at the local level. In total 30 persons from different ward of Gaur Municipality were actively participated in the training. The participation was inclusive in nature in terms of gender, ethnicity, age and education and from most of the wards of Gaur Municipality.
In the training Mandwi used the 48 hours’ curriculum suggested by Mediation Council Nepal and used own basic mediation training manual and exercise book. Further, Mandwi mobilized an inclusive, expert team of trainers in community mediation from its roster to ensure the quality of training delivery to the participants. The trainer engaged the participants by using power point presentation, case study sharing and analysis, video showing, role play, group work, interaction, discussion, brainstorming, presentation by participants, practical mediation sessions by the participants with feedback. The training covered in total 32 sessions (4 sessions each day for 8 days, 4*8=32) basically on concept of dispute and conflict, basic and alternative ways of dispute resolution, use of mediation for dispute resolution in the global and Nepalese context, policy provision of the Government of Nepal for mediation, significance of community mediation, communication, hearing, questioning and facilitation skills in mediation, steps of community mediation, role and responsibility with characteristics of community mediator, mock mediation sessions by participants, tools of mediation, social norms and values affecting mediation, psycho-social analysis of stakeholders for mediation, thinks to be considered for mediation, administrative perspective of mediation, agreement paper development and code of conduct to be followed by mediators.